a cura di Enzo Marangelo
organizzazione Hypokritès Teatro Studio
il laboratorio è a titolo gratuito e sarà svolto in lingua italiana
Solofra (AV)
6, 13, 20, 28, 29 maggio, 10 e 11 giugno 2017
Prova aperta al pubblico
Chiostro del complesso monumentale di Santa Chiara in Solofra
17 giugno, ore 18.30
The Hypokritès Teatro Studio’s project aims to recall the rhythm – currently betrayed – of the relationship between earth and man.
«Uomoterra offers the occasion to fully witness the language in which the environment continuously expresses itself. We are often unresponsive to it, but perhaps in this occasion we will be open to a new interpretation of nature and its signs».
The project is articulated in workshops taking place in eight different areas in Solofra. At the end of the workshop, a final paper will be set up from scratch. The final work aims to collect, select, develop and coordinate all the assignments made by the participants.
According to Enzo Marangelo this is: “A civil reaction to soul pollution; a far-sighted approach on the power of hope given by art, culture and nature”.