uno spettacolo di Robert Wilson
durata: 2h 50m | Paese: Repubblica Ceca | Lingue: Ceco con sottotitoli in italiano e in inglese
Teatro Mercadante07/06/2012, 20:30 – 08/06/2012, 21:30 – 09/06/2012, 18:00

Da Karel Čapek
Produzione Prague National Theatre
In collaborazione con Change Performing Arts
Prima italiana

This work is adapted from a 1922 comedy of the same name by the Bohemian writer and playwright Karel Čapek. The Makropulos Case tells the tale of the mysterious and disturbingly fascinating Emilia Marty. By cynical destiny, Emilia is obliged to drink a magical potion; during her 337 year long life, she is able to perfect her singing talent, making her one of the greatest singers of all time. The effect of the magic potion having worn off and refusing the thought of ageing, she returns to her native city – where three centuries before she started her incredible adventure – in search of the secret potion.
The Makropulos Case is a modern and gripping performance with all the characteristics of a thriller for its fast moving plot, enigmas, changes of scene and wild goose chases. Four years after publication, the Czech composer Leoš Janáček came across this work and composed his memorable operatic version of the same. The protagonist, with her complex and multiple characters, is interpreted by Sona Cervena, star of the Bohemian theatre.
Robert Wilson is undoubtedly one of the most important artists in the contemporary scenario.
During his career, he has covered many roles: choreographer, video artist, sound and light engineer and has collaborated with various artists such as William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Tom
Waits and David Byrne. His stunning performances are always of the highest technological content and charged with great emotivity, revolutionising the traditional theatrical repertoire.
