by Lisa Capaccioli e Walter Cerrotta
directed by compagnia Locchi32
scenes and costumes Ginevra Danielli
lights Anna Merlo
with Lisa Capaccioli, Walter Cerrotta, Nicola Ciaffoni, Lorenza Fantoni, Laura Serena
production Fondazione Campania dei Festival – Napoli Teatro Festival Italia

World premiere
Language italian
Country Italia

running time: 1h
Venue Museo Nazionale di Pietrarsa (Sala Cinema)
10/06/2013 ore 20:00
11/06/2013 ore 20:00

Save the world is the project of a group of young students of Piccolo in Milan, who choose to deal with a serious reflection on their condition of being young actors in an irreverent and fun way. The world is on the edge of the abyss: while the Crisis pervades, Superman, the only one able to rescue humanity, is in a coma. We need to find a new defender of justice who knows how to give back to humans the lost hope… but how to find it? The only solution is to arrange an audition. So we assist to the casting of the aspiring saviors of the world: Captain America, Wonder Woman, Robin and the Invisible Woman, who participate with the intention of showing their skills out of the ordinary, but found themselves to attend an audition in reality show style, during which photogenic is preferred to strength and glamour to the superpowers.
The surreal plot and the acting to the limits of the grotesque continually confuse the plan of the imagination with that of reality, so that the fears and the endless questions about the world of work are addressed smiling.
