H 19.00
Un’antologia fatta qui a project by Daniele Piccini
The anthology by Daniele Piccini, published in 2005 by Rizzoli is entitled La poesia italiana dal 1960 ad oggi (“Italian Poetry from the 1960 until now”).
(in collaboration with Istituto Polacco di Cultura a Roma/Polish Culture Institute in Rome)
“Solo nella bellezza altrui/vi è consolazione, nella musica/altrui e in versi stranieri./Solo negli altri vi è salvezza,/anche se la solitudine avesse sapore/d’oppio. (…).” (Adam Zagajewski Dalla vita degli oggetti. Poesie 1983-2005).
According to Nobel Prize winner Derek Walkott, that of the Polish poet “is a whispered voice set on the devastations of an obscene Century; a voice that is more intimate than that of Auden, and not less cosmopolitan than that of Milosz, Celan and Brodskij”.
The work of the poet will be introduced by Marta Herling, general secretary of the Istituto Croce, daughter of the Polish writer Gustaw Herling, and by Andrea De Carlo Polish Literature professor at the Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”.