di Eschilo
regia, scene e riduzione Massimo Luconi
con Luca Lazzareschi, Alessandra D’Elia, Monica Demuru, Gigi Savoia, Tonino Taiuti
installazione Moussa Traore
costumi Aurora Damanti
musiche Mirio Cosottini
consulenza storico letteraria Davide Susanetti
produzione Teatro Stabile di Napoli – Teatro Nazionale, Fondazione Campania de Festival – Napoli Teatro Festival Italia
Teatro Grande di Pompei
30 giugno, 1, 2 luglio 2017
ore 20.30
Luca Lazzareschi interprets one of the most fascinating and mysterious characters of the Greek mythology, Prometheus, a rebel unable to accept the order imposed by Zeus and by the new gods that pretend to bend everything to their will. The work presents a single point of view, the protagonist’s one, who reiterates its aversion to Zeus, revealing himself as a bearer of a value that can not but arouse sympathy: solidarity with men and the will to help them progress by making them know the fire. Massimo Luconi uses African musicians and the scene will be feature by an installation
curated by Moussa Traore, a Senegalese artist.