a cura di Maurizio Capone
Il laboratorio è a titolo gratuito e sarà svolto in lingua italiana
Sala Assoli – Teatro Tram
dal 28 aprile al 29 giugno 2017
Mozzarella _N_I_G_G_A_ LAB is a workshop on the production and playing of instruments entirely made out of recycled materials as well as, stage actions and movements techniques related to the sound. The participants have been chosen after auditions among young musicians both professionals and not. This A.P. class is supervised by Maurizio Capone, founder and leader of the “Capone & BungtBangt”, and will lead to a final show taking place on June 30th in Piazza del Gesù. The workshop aims at stimulating the perception and research possibilities of sounds, especially those that come out of everyday tools considered useless or garbage.