Ph Sabrina Cirillo per Cubo Creativity Design

a reading by Alessandro Preziosi
written by Tommaso Mattei
live eletronics Paky De Maio
produced by Khora Teatro

Duomo di Salerno
June 26 H 21.30
timing 1 H 15 min

Moby Dick is the story of the ‘die-hard’ Captain Achab, and his quest in search of the great white whale. A tale that has amused many generations of readers, and is to be considered not only a detailed encyclopedia and chronicles of the whaler’s activities, but most and foremost the epic tale of an endless battle between man and his own “inner” monsters.
The reading by Alessandro Preziosi will feature live electronic music played by Paky De Maio. The intent is to fully understand the constantly commuting human condition and describe the eternal regret and unavoidable sufferings that push each one of us to strive forward, to look elsewhere.