a cura di Laura Curino
Il laboratorio è a titolo gratuito e sarà svolto in lingua italiana

Magnifico Visbaal Teatro (Benevento)
Dal 16 al 24 giugno 2017

Hagiography as historical, social or spiritual documentation will be the cue for a theatre workshop dealing with narration. The workshop aims to refine the ability to shape human and spiritual portraits of historical or legendary heroes. The course also reflects upon the time and space in which the portraits set their life, as well as the plot and the language.
The participants will produce short theatrical texts dealing with the life of Saints (Passiones, biographies, martyr writings, reports of miracles, translations of relics, Flores Santorum, hymns, legends, poetry and iconography).
An open final staging will feature readings of the texts produced by the participants or edited by Laura Curino.