drammaturgia e regia Giuseppe Sollazzo
con Marieva Jaime-Cortez
impianto scenico Lili Kendaka
costumi Annalisa Giacci
disegno luci Guido Levi
movimenti coreografici Gabriella Stazio
aiuto regia Rebecca Salmoni
assistente alla regia Chiara di Girolamo
assistente volontaria alla regia Elena Paoletti
materiale di scena Peroni
realizzazione costumi Lorenzo Zambrano
realizzazione oggetti scenici Francesco Davide, Renato Delehaye e Massimo Nota
produzione Associazione Jules Renard
spettacolo in lingua francese (sovratitoli in italiano)
Teatro Nuovo
15 giugno 2017, ore 21.00
16 giugno 2017, ore 19.00
durata 1h e 15min
Guilty of a premature marriage with a celebrity and frowned-upon for her theatre art, Armande Béjart, “la Molière”, did not lead an easy life among palace intrigues and gossips.
Author Giuseppe Sollazzo asks an important question: «was Armande Béjart really the woman that made a man cry, whom made a man laugh, whom was feared all over Europe? She was born in 1642 and was the wife of Molière. According to documents she was also the younger sister of Madeleine Béjart. Armande Béjart then became target of an obscure mudslinger who portrayed her as ruthless and greedy. Standing to the rumours and plot twists in the story, the question is: how much of all this is true?».
In the show La Molière the plot shifts from legend to biography and delves into the mysteries of love and of artistic creation.