Villa Pignatelli
14 giugno 2017
ore 19.00
durata 1h e 30min
I miei poeti. Un’antologia personale
Alfonso Berardinelli
A critic chooses, reads and interprets “his” poets, in an event that recalls both a poetry reading and a meeting on literary autobiography. He will then explain why tradition is considered to be a phenomenon “in motion”, constantly re-assessing.
Il Canzoniere dell’assenza
Mariano Rigillo legge Antonio Spagnuolo
con un omaggio a Luigi Compagnone
An actor reads the poems that an author has dedicated to his late wife, just as if dealing with a new “Xenia” from Montale. In both cases the homage paid is to a poem by Luigi Compagnone entitled La giovinezza reale e l’irreale maturità.