Ph Guglielmo Verrienti per Cubo Creativity Design
script and direction by Francesca Muoio
Actors Anna Carla Broegg, Marianita Carfora, Cesere D’Arco, Morena Di Leva, Valeria Frallicciardi, Francesca Muoio, Davide Paciolla, Antonio Perna, Enrico Sortino, Luca Trezza
Scenes and graphic Giulio Villaggio
Costumes Antonietta Rendina
Lights and audio Martin Emanuel Palma
Original music Edoardo Simeone
Coreography Sara Lupoli
Puppets Selvaggia Filippini
Help director Davide Paciolla
Assistant director Raffaele Parisi
Make Up Ciro Florio
Stage Picture Martin Devrient
Press office Monica Iacobucci
Distribution Theatron 2.0
Production PrimeLune Teatro
Palazzo Reale – Cortile delle Carrozze
June 18, H 21.30
timing 1 H 30 min
«It’s Saturday, August 1960. ‘Crazy Caterina’ is wandering in the streets with a cake and candle in her hand. “Cream and chocolate, to the living and dead, takes the breath away” she hums; Alice is curious and decides to follow her. Thus, the start of her timeless journey in the Land that was always there. A small community is ready to welcome her, waiting impatient the start of the party. During these hours, a whirlwind of shouts, dances, confessions, catastrophes and songs occurs. Scared and amused, Alice confronts with the everyday delusional reality of this new land. Her father’s tales and memories are brought back to surface; they blend in with the story».