adattamento Edoardo Erba
con Mila Boeri, Annagaia Marchioro, Chiara Stoppa, Virginia Zini, Giulia Bertasi regia Serena Sinigaglia
consulente musicale Federica Falasconi
scene e costumi Federica Pellati
assistente alla regia Giada Ulivi

8 giugno ore 21.40 durata 1h e 20min

«I chose to work with Edoardo Erba on The Merry Wives of Windsor, our game will not be rewrite, but re-adapt, cut, mount the text, grafting pieces played and sung live of Verdi’s work. We will keep on the scene only four wives: Mrs. Page, Mrs. Ford, the young Anne Page and her servant Quickly. They will be impersonating the other characters, showing us the ab-sent husbands, the absent lovers, and especially the absent Falstaff. From him everything starts and with him everything is over. In his ostentatious debauchery you can see Don Giovanni, breathing air of freedom. What would we do without Falstaff? What fun? What a vent?».