Freely adapted from The tragical history of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
with Diletta Acanfora, Angela De Matteo, Massimo De Matteo, Ivano Schiavi
directed by Antonio Speranza and Ario Avecone
drama and adaptation by Raffaele Speranza
original score/music Mimmo Napolitano
set design and costumes by Nunzia Russo
produced by Compagnia M.A.T.I.

June 30 at 21.00
Cortile delle carrozze di Palazzo Reale

In an operating room in modern times takes place the tragedy of Doctor Faust. On the altar in the middle of the scene the Doctor will see some of his patients die and there is nothing he can do about it. Only with the intervention of Mephistopheles, in this case the manager of a pharmaceutical company, Faust will be given the opportunity to choose whether to make use of the miracolous potion in exchange for his life. Together with Doctor Faust two clown doctors, offering comic relief with their gags for the suffering patients.