drammaturgia Antonio Latella, Linda Dalisi regia Antonio Latella
durata: 2h 45m | Paese: Italia | Lingue: italiano
Teatro San Ferdinando – 28/09/2012, 20:00 – 29/09/2012, 20:00 – 30/09/2012, 18:00
Coproduzione Fondazione Campania dei Festival – Napoli Teatro Festival Italia, Teatro Stabile di Napoli, Stabile/Mobile Compagnia Antonio Latella
Prima assoluta
C’è del pianto in queste lacrime is a new project by Antonio Latella. Co-produced by Napoli Teatro Festival Italia, Teatro Stabile di Napoli and the director’s recently constituted theatre company Stabile/Mobile, the performance is inspired by the Neapolitan drama: after a first workshop held in the Ridotto del Mercadante in December, Latella together with the playwright Linda Dalisi, analysed the relationship between the Neapolitan culture and identity through its drama and theatrical repertoire.
«In this play – affirm Latella and Dalisi – the characters are congregated around a wound, like viruses inside a sore»: a rotten, festering environment evoked by the Hamlet-like musicality of the title, inhabited by worms, parasites and soulless beings. «The characters are not beings but mere robots, ageless machines which act, live and speak only in function of what they represent and not what they are, without any real individuality or freedom at all».
Antonio Latella is one of the leading Italian artists known also in the international theatre scenario. After completing his theatrical studies in the Teatro Stabile in Turin and in the Bottega Teatrale in Florence, he worked as an actor and since 1998 as a theatrical director. In 2006 he is Maestro of the École des Maîtres and has directed the theatrical season 2010/2011 at the Nuovo Teatro Nuovo in Naples. Some of his recent performances are currently on tour: Don Giovanni, a cenar teco, Die Nacht kurz vor den Wäldern, Francamente me ne infischio, Un tram che si chiama desiderio.