Ph Sabrina Cirillo per per Cubo Creativity Design
by and with Alessio Boni and Marcello Prayer
Chiesa Madre di Pietrelcina (BN) namely Chiesa della S.S. Annunziata (via San Paolo n.6)
June 16 H 21.30
timing 55 min
«After Pavese and Pasolini, – write Alessio Boni and Marcello Prayer – we chose to continue playing along the lines of ‘naked staging’, this time through the Poetry of Alda Merini. Our voices swap and alternate (as always) only to then become One, and give rhythm and cadence to Her verses, so highly emotional and intense coming from that cluster of contradictions that they express. We pictured hearing Her voice, telling us to enunciate like in the ancient rhapsodies the Libro della Poesia (Book of Poems), to give it a voice; that is how this journey began».