coreografia di Rami Be’er
durata: 1h 15m | Paese: Israele | Lingue:
Teatro Politeama – 19/06/2012, 21:45 – 20/06/2012, 21:30
Produzione Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company (Western Galilee)
Prima europea
Built on a framework of some of the company’s best choreographies, Bein Kodesh Le’Hol invites the spectators to participate in a journey of self-discovery.
A gentle cascade of soft sand slowly follows the dancers’ footsteps and traces out the forms made with their sinuous body movements. On a completely dark background immersed in darkness, this hourglass without time becomes a source of light around which a contemporary ritual is celebrated. In the following pièce, the dancers interact with iron girders which form a sort of cage imprisoning them within a sort of labyrinth. The solitary scenes become ever more populated until we have six dancers in white tutus which stand out starkly against the ochre coloured backdrop, forming a sort of group choreography.
The music, ranging from classical compositions to electronic sounds, plays a very important role in his works as Be’er was born into a family of musicians. As Be’er himself affirms «I am inspired by people, by souls, by art and by music. When I hear music, I see a painting in movement».