drama Teatro dei Sensi Rosa Pristina
directed by Susanna Poole
scenes Selvaggia Filippini
soundscape Davide d’Alò
olfactory landscape Marzia Macedonio
lights design Davide Giacobbe
with Antonio Aiese, Rosaria Bisceglia, Roberta Di Domenico De Caro, Rossella De Rosa, Selvaggia Filippini, Davide Giacobbe, Salvatore Margiotta, Carlo Melito, Antonio Pastena, Riccardo Pisani, Federico Poole, Susanna Poole
co-production Fondazione Campania dei Festival – Napoli Teatro Festival Italia, Teatro dei Sensi Rosa Pristina

World premiere
Language italian
Country Italia

running time: 50 min
Venue Pietrarsa (Sala delle Carrozze)
06/06/2013 ore 21:00
06/06/2013 ore 22:15
07/06/2013 ore 21:00
07/06/2013 ore 22:15
08/06/2013 ore 21:00
08/06/2013 ore 22:15
12/06/2013 ore 21:00
12/06/2013 ore 22:15
13/06/2013 ore 21:00
13/06/2013 ore 22:15

Winner of the Fringe2Fringe 2012, after the success of Quando eravamo lupi presented in the previous edition of the Festival, Teatro dei Sensi Rosa Pristina this year will take possession of the spaces of the National Museum of Pietrarsa to give life to a new and exciting sensory experience. CentoPorte will be a real journey in an imaginary space to explore with all the senses: the gradual separation from the outside world is achieved through the use of tactile, auditory and olfactory suggestions. In order to stimulate the senses, the one that dominates all the others in our everyday life will be limited or completely excluded, that is the view.
This new work has been inspired by a question: if you go and discover a land far away, unlike anything you’ve known so far, what would you put in your suitcase? Starting from this question, Rosa Pristina has created a path which will lead the audience from the station to the wagon cento-porte, inside the Sala delle Carrozze. Depending on the destination (Very Near, Far Away or Elsewhere) every viewer will choose, they will be carried to an imaginary world full of different stories.
