inaugurazione 6 giugno 2017, ore 17.00
da un’idea di Ruggero Cappuccio
a cura di Gabriella Pescucci, Carlo Poggioli, Flora Brancatella, Dino Trappetti
in collaborazione con la Jewel House ed il Polo Museale della Campania.
progetto allestitivo Nicola Rubertelli
fino al 10 luglio 2017 dalle 8.30 alle 17.00
dal 14 al 24 giugno 2017 dalle 8.30 alle 17.00 e dalle 18.00 alle 21.00
è possibile acquistare il biglietto di ingresso al botteghino di Villa Pignatelli fino alle ore 16.00
Costumes take a very important part in shows. They help to mark the characters, to set the place and the mood. Whoever theatre technician that
apply Stanislavsky method consider costumes as fundamental.
Napoli Teatro Festival Italia turns the spotlights on the costumes specifically designed for the stars of the theatre and cinema. The Stage of the exhibition will be Villa Pignatelli. There will be a Cinema theatre exhibition of all the most important costumes designed by “Tirelli” Tailoring.
The Exhibition has been directed by Gabriella Pesucci, Carlo Poggioli ,Flora Brancatella and Dino Trappetti. They all together created a gallery that tells 52 years of Tirelli history through the work of great designers. The designers collaborated with the Tailoring in order to dress Italian and International Stars of the Cinema and Theatre.
In the Exhibition it will be possible to see Suzy Besinger, Milena Canonero, Massimo Cantini Parrini, Zaira De Vincentiis, Danilo Donati, Nicoletta Ercole, Alessandro Lai, Maurizio Millenotti, Gabriella Pescucci, Pier Luigi Pizzi, Ann Roth, Piero Tosi, Mariano Tufan and other creations.
Particular privilege will be given to all the creations of the designers that have been able to win national and international prestigious awards such as:Oscar, Emmy, David di Donatello, Nastri D’Argento.