Villa Pignatelli
21 giugno 2017
ore 19.00
durata 1h e 30min
Jam session
Andrea Renzi legge Giorgio Caproni
An actor reads the works of a poet from which he receives «comfort, consolation, and a better understanding of my personal horizon». This allows him to live a much better day. The actor really loves the poetry from this author: «I find it meaningful and clear, the feeling I get of the singing is limpid»; As for the poet, he is a trusted “viatico” guiding the way towards the future.
Piccola tribù delle lingue italiche
Franco Arminio e Domenico Brancale (Lucania), Biagio Guerrera (Sicilia), Daniel Cundari (Calabria), Vincenzo Mastropirro (Puglia), Annalisa Teodorani (Romagna).
In collaborazione con Salerno Letteratura
A poet writing in Italian gathers the work of five poets that write in the lan-guages spoken in their territories. What surfaces is a shining composition of geographies, dealing with a very grounded world, never abstract.