vita e canzoni di Luigi Tenco

con Rocco Papaleo
soggetto e testo Stefano Valanzuolo
musiche Luigi Tenco rielaborate da Roberto Molinelli
pianoforte Arturo Valiante
contrabbasso Guerino Rondolone
batteria e percussioni Davide Savarese
tromba Marco Sannini
produzione Fondazione Campania dei Festival – Napoli Teatro Festival Italia, parmaconcerti

Teatro Trianon
1 luglio 2017
ore 21.00
durata 1h e 20min

Rocco Papaleo is a true stage fiend renowned for his tv and cinema interpretations. A devote actor, that will pay homage to a true poet, singer-songwriter and a tormented icon, if ever there was one: Luigi Tenco.
«Fifty years have passed and still the pain and mystery over the unexplained loss of Luigi Tenco remain – declares Stefano Valanzuolo.
The many fans who knew him during the Sixties or the ones that re-discovered him know the respect that he is due, for the way he lived his short but very intense life».