Ph Guglielmo Verrienti per Cubo Creativity Design
H 19.00
Entrai na vida a cantar by and with Caterina Pontrandolfo
piano Mariano Bellopede
Caterina Pontrandolfo really knows how to stir up present and past, in a work that confronts with female personalities such as Amalia Rodrigues, Um Kaltum and Concetta Barra, among others. The result is a journey leading to le vie dei canti (“the roads of chants”).
“I poeti che ho amato/mi hanno fatto bei regali/matite d’oro conchiglie dell’Atlantico/libri meravigliosi (…)//i poeti che ho amato/mi hanno telefonato”. (Vivian Lamarque, I poeti che ho amato)
“Per distrarsi dal tempo bisogna avere molte occupazioni,/obblighi, scadenze, conti da pagare (…)”. (Patrizia Cavalli, Per distrarsi dal tempo…)
Two of today’s greatest female poets will meet at Villa Pignatelli.
Vivian Lamarque; dialogic, cheerful and mild. One emblematic work of hers is “Poesie dando del lei” (“Poems while addressing formally”). Patrizia Cavalli stayed faithfull to the phylosophy of her first book: “Le mie poesie non cambieranno il mondo” (“My poems won’t change the world”). Their verses, however, really did change Italian poetry from the second half of the past Century until now.