Ph Guglielmo Verrienti per Cubo Creativity Design

by Loredana Putignani
video sound performed by Youssef Tayamoun

Chiesa della Misericordiella
July 9, 10
timing 45 min

The programme features three runs of the show each day, at 21.00, 21.45 and 22.00; with a  maximum number of 15 participants for each run.
After the Ric and the Venice Biennal, the site-specific show V I S I O N I M I G R A N T I is at Napoli Teatro Festival, in the Church ‘Misericordiella ai Vergini’.
A research on the themes of theatre experimentation, especially in relation to some precise social categories. An experience gained “on the field” during many years, leading to a collection of works (video-anthology) on theatre and performances with Romani-people, Nigerians, Kurds. The visual documents take viewers through a journey – both personal and theatrical – that took place in Italy within a decade, in a time when the Migrant dilemma wasn’t merely cultural commercialisation.